Agents App

Monte carlo simulation app written in C++

Project Description

The aim of the project was to create a real-time simulation of a reputation and trust-building scheme, offering valuable insights into the complexities of human interactions and digital ecosystems. The simulation provided data on the dynamics of trust and reputation building. I developed data analysis tools that allowed users to visualize trends, patterns, and correlations within the simulated ecosystem. This feature facilitated a deeper understanding of the factors influencing trust. The project was completed during my master’s studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology.

GUI screen of the application


Application have following functionalities:

  • a login window that allows tracking, filtering, and better understanding of the trust-building process stages in the simulation
  • the ability to edit input parameters such as initial trust level, number of agents, or number of inputs
  • boost mode, allowing for faster computation and simulation execution
  • export of simulation results to an MS Office Excel file
  • real-time preview of simulation results
  • simulation status bar

Technologies Used

In the course of the project, I became acquainted with the following technologies and tools:

  • C++
  • ImGui
  • ImPlot
  • GoogleTests
  • OpenXLSX
  • Visual Studio