File Upload

File upload symfony app written in symfony 7 with usage of doctrine and PhpUnit tests

Project Description

This is a Symfony application created as part of a recruitment project for a PHP programmer position. Its purpose was to assess my skills in this programming platform and to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The first page contains a form with three fields: First Name, Last Name, Attachment.
  • The form fields are validated. First name and last name cannot be empty, and the file can only contain images no larger than 2MB.
  • Data from the form is asynchronously saved in the database. After submission, a message is displayed indicating success or failure.
  • The second page contains a list of data added through the form. This page is protected against unauthorized access.

The most important aspect of the application is the code, but I’m still including application screenshots below.

GUI screens of the application

Used Technologies

As part of the project, I got acquainted with the following technologies and tools: