Implementation of loseless data compression algorithm - LZSS

Project Description

The aim of the project was to implement the LZSS lossless data compression algorithm, optimizing data storage. It also utilizes the KMP algorithm for searching repeated data sequences and building a dictionary of words and a table of code displacements. The project was carried out during engineering studies as a thesis at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

GUI application screen


The following features were implemented as part of the project:

  • operations on binary data
  • implementation of the KMP algorithm and its integration in the information encoding process
  • implementation of an application allowing compression and lossless decompression of data with a convenient graphical interface
  • export of compression results to a file with its own data format and header
  • ability to download a report with compression results
  • compression status bar

Technologies Used

As part of the project implementation, I became acquainted with the following technologies and tools:

  • C++
  • WinApi