Night Catcher

Skill based mobile game for Android made in Unity

Project Description

A simple Android game where you catch dots in a beautiful graphical setting with cute cats in the background. As the levels progress, the difficulty level increases, and subsequent levels become increasingly challenging. In this project, I was responsible for code reviews and the integration of the WWise tool for sound implementation. Additionally, I served in a supervisory and mentoring role, proposing appropriate technical solutions and code architecture.


The project implemented the following features:

  • Beautiful graphics, 2D animations, and an intuitive user interface
  • Dot-catching mechanics based on Unity’s grid component
  • Increasing difficulty levels with different backgrounds and transitions between levels
  • Pleasant and catchy music
  • Integration of Google ads
Gameplay Screens

Technologies Used

During the project implementation, I got acquainted with the following technologies and tools:

  • .NET
  • C#
  • 2D Animations
  • Unity Cinemachine
  • Visual Studio
  • Unity Profiler
  • Wwise
  • NUnit
  • Hack&Plan
  • Gimp