Steve The Hamster

It is a heartwarming, action-packed game filled with fun challenges and a delightful sense of humor, all brought to life with Unreal Engine 5.

Project Description

Steve the Hamster is a 3D arcade-puzzle game where players take control of a hamster navigating through a transparent ball. The goal is to complete a series of levels filled with puzzles, obstacles, and enemies to escape the house. The game combines dynamic action with logical elements, offering unique challenges in each location.

Test scene where implemented mechanics were evaluated.

The project was developed as part of the final assignment for the Unreal Engine Game Development Course and was completed by a four-person team in a game jam style. My primary roles in the project included:

  • Implementing animations for the main character (the hamster).
  • Developing NPC behavior systems.
  • Programming game logic using Blueprints in Unreal Engine.
  • Managing the project, coordinating team efforts, and ensuring the schedule was met.

Steve the Hamster is available on the platform, where everyone can experience this exciting and adventurous game. The project not only provided an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with Unreal Engine but also fostered teamwork and effective project management, guiding the game from concept to completion.

Technologies and Mechanics

During the development of the project, I used a variety of tools and technologies available in Unreal Engine, which allowed me to create advanced mechanics and a cohesive game environment. Here are the key elements I implemented:

  • Behavior Trees
Using the Behavior Tree system, I implemented the intelligence of NPC enemies. This allowed enemies to react to the player's actions in real-time, such as tracking the player, avoiding obstacles, or patrolling designated areas.
  • Basic Input-Driven Animations
I implemented character animations by animating transformations (e.g., position and rotation) of objects combined with user input. This made the hamster’s movement smooth and responsive, greatly enhancing the gameplay experience.
  • Dialogue System
I created a system to display the hamster’s dialogues in the game. This feature allows players to better understand the story and interact with the environment in a fun and accessible way.
  • User Interface (UI) Design
I developed the game interface using Unreal Engine widgets. It includes intuitive menus and a notification system. Additionally, I created a custom graphical settings system, enabling players to adjust the visual quality to their preferences.
  • Level Design and Development
I designed the game levels with my colegues by combining Blueprint functionality with custom C++ code. This enabled the creation of interactive environmental elements, such as traps, movable objects, and mechanisms that respond to player actions.

Each of these elements presented a significant challenge and simultaneously offered an opportunity to gain practical experience and deepen my knowledge of game design. I am proud of creating mechanics that enriched the gameplay and made it more engaging.